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Wavez and I are very fortunate to have
very talented friends.

One of those friends is Dove
Below you will find examples of her talent,
she is a gifted writer,
who expresses herself beautifully!
We will be updating as often as we can!
So check back regularly!!

updated 6~14~02

From the purest mountain snow,
Streams of clear water flow.
They sing down the grassy knolls,
Meander through the meadows where blossoms grow.
Two rivulets on varied course,
Cross in meeting, becoming one force,
And then continue on their way
But the union is there to stay.
A body of water of such deep peace,
That it is a haven of love's sweet release.
The trees in purple passion,
Intwined in lovers fashion.
Swans of graceful wing,
Curve together in love's gentle swing.
A sanctuary of beauty divine,
Where two lovers special moments find.
If but a moment in a day to think,
Of love's heavenly nectar to drink,
As each stream must go its own given way,
They blend in this special way.
Sweet is the love that has no binds,
But only in loving freely does it find,
That hearts are not confined in chests,
But fly on wings together to nest.
But for perhaps just a moment together,
But that moment can last forever.

A Mothers Love

Beyond the battles of war
whether physical or internal
past all dreams one thing remains constant
friends, loyal but often fleeting
family somehow drifts away
but like a mighty mountain
one power always stays
and even when the spirit
glides to another space
and you feel alone
still here among the human race
you will be touched
by a blooming flower,
where once only brambles grew
for it is still there
the love of a mother so true

A Parent's Oath

Hush my child, close your searching eyes.
They seek answers I know not how to give,
Staring at me intensely with a purity I never knew before.
In my arms you lay,
My darling,
My own piece of heaven.
Sweet angel, I do not want you to know
Hunger, pain or strife.
Innocent babe whose tiny hand holds mine,
While there is strength in my body,
You shall not fall.
You trustingly let me lead you without question.
God willing,
I will give you all.
When you wake,
I'll be here to shelter you.
My Angel
My Love
My Child.

Till We Weave Again

Bent knees waiting on the
Dawn several hours of
Lost in the walls
Are echoing whispers
These whispered incantations
We train our minds not to
Hear our intuition or play
It up as common sense
Yet which falls short and
Catches discontent
A busted babble of blundered tunes
Caught in the web of thought
Or time spent cautiously contemplating
Aren’t we all spiders at one time.
Building up the complexities
String by string
Till our webs are torn shattered
And we hang
By a single solitary thread
And we hang
Till we weave again.

A Soul Screams At Birth

Does she not speak your name
at the tip of her tongue
like strangled cotton candy
in the summer heat?

What is this?
Does he not speak
in lovers’ connotations?
To speak
I love you
pounding generously
through my heart

Oft-times I do awake
Stretch out my hand
As if you where there
only to find myself
in my on confines alone
dizzy I hear your words
your scent does linger
as if you where always
the moment my soul was born.

A soul screams at birth
the name not spoken or known
the memory of two
born so many times before
in souls resurrection
Torn apart by death
waiting for rebirth
born to search again
in a sea of souls
to find the one
to match your love

I speak the blood
pounding through your veins
I search your heart
for a souls desire
Once found
the words need not be spoken
for each knows the taste
of the summers cotton candy
that lingers yet on our lips

while the words not spoken
deafen my soul
for each soul now sings
as one
in passions harmony
till death does do it's part

true love never dies
but speaks in lovers connotations

Blue Kite Without a String

infinite spirit
freedom’s breath
your middle name
cavalier daydreams
born of love
heaven bound
hope floats you high today.
blue kite
without a string
spinning tales to
wave at me
past tired oaks
boughs swayed with grace
allow safe passage
to climb God’s face
heartbeats on the breeze
you shimmy proud
tickling clouds
chamois shining
sunbeams along the way
destiny calls long sighs of night
wind songs lie down
ending freedom’s flight.
and you blue kite
without the wind
need no string
to reel you in.

Daughter of Mother Earth

I am a daughter of Mother Earth
Risen from her richly darkened soil
My mantle of bark is hard as stone
But it shall open for you alone.

My branches, strong and true
Embrace and nurture your spirit
My leaves shade you with sanctuary
Allowing you to grow tall and free.

Beneath the sacred eye of heaven
And with sustenance from the earth
We grow strong roots of the heart
Nary a storm could tear us apart.

Let this time beneath Father sky
Warm your spirit and your pride
As you watch our seedlings grow
Sturdy from what we did sow.

Only you shall justly know
The hues of all my emotions
Your clouded eyes shall see
The true visages of my beauty.

Let us revel in these last days
In this, the warmth of our autumn
Far too soon, winter must call
My crimsoned leaves will fall.

For I am merely a faithful child
Of the eternal Mother Earth
From her fertility I have risen
To her fertile soil I am bidden.

Gardens of tomorrow

Hands deep in cool soil
Planting some seedlings
Of whites and yellows to match
The bulbs previously planted
I'm reminded these seeds we plant
Today can be beautiful flowers
Of tomorrow
If not tended with care
They can become
Unruly and untamed
Yet if nurtured and kept
They flower in their own time
Bringing splendor and delight
Something truly wondrous
In morns dew
To dusk’s night.

Confessions Of A Poet

Rivers of various waves
rush to rainbowed shores
inside the heart of me,
stopped only by vines of bougainvilleas
surrounding my soul in full bloom
they imprison my spirit.
Though I live.
Really, I do.
wherever my mind takes me,
whenever it wants to go,
wherever my emotions flow
I am there,
a Poet
with pen and paper in hand
to capture moods and thoughts
for others to read.

I ask for no rewards.
Words made into wanted moods
for thirsty eyes and hearts quenched;
to reach in and touch some one
with the tools of my trade;
to make a better night or day
for some one.
These are my goals.
And that I am Free
for the People,
this is my reward
more than plenty.
I am a Poet,

A Scarecrows Dream

The tattered scarecrow stands,
Lost in another time,
Cornstalks flying from his hands
As he sings his lonely rhyme;
He's dreaming of another life
Where the crows don't peck his eyes,
Where every scarecrow has a wife
And a home beneath the summer skies.

Scarecrow's dream,
A scarecrow's dream,
Can it really be that way?
I've never seen a scarecrow dream
Perhaps I will, one day.

The scarecrow's eyes are always open,
You'd think he'd never sleep
But still he seems to keep on hoping
He'll find a dream to keep:
A dream to take him through his days
Into the skies above,
Where the sunshine sings, and scarecrows play
In a world that's filled with love.

Scarecrow's dream,
A scarecrow's dream,
While in the fields the children play;
I've never seen a scarecrow dream
Perhaps I will, one day.

Connected by a Breeze

beautifully beautiful,
these two,
in silent flight,
butterflies do share secrets,
their love is feather light
as are their wings
and flutter
lasts all night,
then flutter peaks,
stealing breath
from gentle breeze,
and love is blown

I Buried My Best Friend Today

I buried my best friend today
Lord, what have I done wrong
To have you take him from my arms
When my faith in you was strong

I buried my best friend today
Our friendship came to an end
How I wish I could see him smile
Or hold him close again

I buried my best friend today
The guilt is too hard to bare
I always seemed to shrug him off
When he expressed how much he cared

I buried my best friend today
And had left my life to fate
I never said "I love you too"
Except when it was too late

I buried my best friend today
He always hated to see me cry
But sobbing, I whispered "I'm sorry"
As I kissed his casket goodbye

So if you love someone
Let them know right away
May these words never be repeated
I buried my best friend today

Note: i wrote this one for my cousin Dale,
he was my best friend
and i didnt get to tell him goodbye.

My Cloud House

This is my cloud house
Way up in the blue
No one can come up
Unless I tell them to
No one can bother me
Or else they get sent home
Why can’t I live up in my cloud house
Up there all alone

He Takes Me Soul Dancing Among Stars

He takes me soul dancing
on garden grass made of stars,
where moons are flower blooms
and clouds are the cars.

Magical carpet rides
beyond midnight past twilight
and back to garden grass
we make our own starlight.

He takes me soul dancing
beyond the mind in my mind
and I hear his heartbeat
dancing inside of mine.

Romantic music plays
through every inch of my veins.
Hand in hand - chest to breasts
on stars our soul dancing reins.

Anything is possible,
with love.

If I Were An Artist Who Could Paint

If I were an artist
who could paint
a masterpiece
to the eyes of
a lover...

I would first use yellow
for our sun
and splash a smile
for warm times to come.

Then I would choose orange
for sunsets
and blend it quick
to make romance red.

Lastly I would add pink
for a sky
of purple passion
in an endless night...

Where a golden full moon
hypnotizes and
pulls the lover in.

If I were an artist
who could paint
a romance piece,
this is where for you
I would begin.

When Souls Collide

when souls collide
by chance, not choice
and your heart flutters
at the mere sight of another
this connection
with a stranger
this feeling
overwhelms you
pulling and pushing
your thoughts
in directions they've never been
and you forget
and heartbreaks
for the magic of this moment
erases the deepest scars
and lifts your spirit
the ultimate high
when souls collide